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What Are My Tummy Tuck Financing Options?

What Are My Tummy Tuck Financing Options

Tummy tuck financing is a common topic during initial consultation appointments. Patients seeking tummy tucks come from all income brackets, and it can be a costly elective surgery, which means that health insurance will not cover it in most cases.

If you are considering a tummy tuck in New Jersey after having children or following significant weight loss, we can help you explore your financing options and make the choice that’s best for you. This article will go over the main financing options available for abdominoplasty and some key points to consider if you decide to take out a loan or line of credit for surgery.

Exploring Tummy Tuck Financing Options

Medical Financing Companies

Certain financing companies exist to help provide lines of credit for elective procedures like tummy tucks. They may also finance procedures like braces or LASIK for eyes. These companies offer convenient monthly payments and competitive interest rates, but you must have your credit reviewed prior to approval.

Credit Cards

Credit cards are another popular option for financing tummy tuck surgeries. If you can nab a promotional offer, you may be able to repay your debt with low monthly payments and a zero percent interest rate. The majority of plastic surgeons accept credit cards as payment.

Personal LoansFinancing Tummy Tuck Surgery

Some patients choose to finance their tummy tucks through personal loans from banks, online lenders, or even friends or family.

Payment Plans

Certain plastic surgery practices offer in-house payment plans. These usually require making one down payment upfront, and then you would have monthly payment options thereafter. Keep in mind that this is something some surgeons offer, but not everyone.

Insurance Coverage

In certain cases, patients can have their elective cosmetic surgeries paid for by health insurance. But with tummy tuck surgery, because it is almost always not medically necessary, this is rather rare.

Still, if you have daily issues related to your excess skin (pain, discomfort, rashes, limited mobility, etc.), you can certainly check with your provider to see if a tummy tuck might be covered in part or in full.

Employer-Sponsored Financing Programs

Certain employers offer something called a flexible spending account (FSA). This is an account you can use to save pre-tax income, which can then be used to cover medical procedures and treatments not covered by insurance. This might include tummy tuck procedures in some cases.

Negotiating with Your Cosmetic Surgeon

Lastly, it’s worth discussing financing directly with your surgeon and their team. It’s worth asking all of your tummy tuck questions, including financing and cost at your consultation. Some surgeons may offer discounts for paying in cash or be willing to offer an alternative procedure that is less expensive for you. For example, you may be able to get a mini tummy tuck (only tightening of the lower abdominal muscles) or liposuction alone vs a traditional tummy tuck.

How Are Medical Loans and Credit Cards Different?

Two of the most popular financing options for cosmetic procedures are medical loans (through companies like CareCredit or United Medical Credit) and credit cards. Note that medical loans cater specifically to covering healthcare costs such as surgeries or other treatments. In contrast, credit cards serve a broader range of purposes; but they may include coverage of medical expenses too.

Basically, the two methods of financing are very similar, but your goal should always be to get the best interest rate and payment plan (manageable payments for an adequate amount of time). You’ll need to do your research for this, and having good credit helps.

Before Taking Out a Medical Loan:

Before committing to a healthcare lending option, it’s essential for tummy tuck patients to research and compare the terms and conditions of their options. Consider factors such as interest rates, repayment terms, and any additional fees to find the best option for your cosmetic surgery.

Financing A Tummy TuckHere are some questions you may want to ask as you browse your options.

  • What’s the Annual Percentage Rate (APR)?
  • Are the payments and interest within my budget?
  • When does the APR take effect? Is there a grace period before payments start?
  • Will the surgeon I’m working with accept this form of payment?
  • What happens if I make late payments?

FAQ: Financing a Tummy Tuck

How do most people pay for a tummy tuck?

The way most people pay for a tummy tuck procedure varies significantly from one individual to the next. Options include credit cards, medical financing companies, FSAs, personal loans, and using savings.

It really depends on your unique circumstances. Factors such as financial resources, insurance coverage options, your future financial situation (for making payments), and personal preference all play a role.

Can you still get tummy tuck financing with poor credit?

If your credit score and credit history are poor, it may be difficult to find a medical loan company or credit card who can offer you a line of credit. Of course, you can always conduct a search for “tummy tuck financing with poor credit near me” to see what, if any, options might be available to you.

What is the cost of a tummy tuck surgery?

The average cost of tummy tuck surgery varies based on factors like surgeon fees, facility charges, and geographic location. Average prices range from $6,000 to $12,000.  You would need to schedule a consultation to dial in your exact numbers based on your personal conditions.

Learn More by Scheduling a Consultation Appointment Today

Preparing for tummy tuck surgery includes understanding how to finance your tummy tuck surgery. As you explore your options, know that our team understands the importance of accessible financing solutions and are here to support you.

When you’re ready to learn more about your options and find out if you’re a good candidate for tummy tuck surgery, please reach out and schedule your consultation with board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Smita Ramanadham.


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