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Top Breast Augmentation Price Factors to Consider

Breast Augmentation Price

Breast augmentation price is affected by all sorts of factors — from where you undergo surgery to who your surgeon is and what type of implants you choose.

Ultimately, determining your breast augmentation surgery cost will depend on meeting one-on-one with your plastic surgeon. At your consultation appointment, your breast augmentation surgeon will talk with you about your goals, review your medical history, and look at your anatomy to determine an optimal approach.

Still, when it comes to breast augmentation cost, we can get you started right here.

Below, we’ve listed nearly every factor that might influence your breast augmentation surgery price. Look this list over to get a better idea of what you can expect to pay for your procedure.

17 Factors Affecting the Average Price of Breast Augmentation

Breast Augmentation Surgery Price

In some cases, not all of these considerations will apply to your surgery. If you’re planning to undergo a fat grafting breast augmentation, for example, the breast implants cost won’t factor in at all. Likewise, many patients will not require revision surgery, so this won’t be a factor for most.

In general, however, the following is a list of the top influencing factors that will determine the final cost of your breast enhancement surgery.

1. Geographic Location

The location of your chosen plastic surgery practice plays a significant role in determining breast augmentation cost. Urban areas with a higher cost of living tend to have pricier procedures when compared to plastic surgeons in rural locations.

2. Surgeon’s Experience

A surgeon’s expertise and experience can affect the cost too. Highly skilled and experienced surgeons often charge more for their services. At the same time, their track record can offer peace of mind.

3. Surgeon’s Reputation

Renowned surgeons with a strong reputation often charge higher fees for their services.

4. Surgeon’s Fees

Your surgeon’s fee reflects most of the actual cost of surgery. This fee includes your surgeon’s time, skill, expertise, and use of equipment and staff. Always remember that highly sought-after surgeons may charge higher fees when performing breast surgery.

5. Type of Implants

You’ll find that many plastic surgeons spend a good deal of time going over what type of implants are best for you. This is because the type of implants you choose is a huge decision. Likewise, your choice can heavily influence breast augmentation costs.

For example, the choice between saline implants, silicone implants, and gummy bear implants will significantly change the cost of your breast augmentation procedure. Notably, gummy bear and silicone implants tend to be more expensive that saline breast implants. This is due to their natural feel and appearance.

6. Implant Size

Larger breast implants require more materials and surgical expertise. This can result in higher costs when compared to smaller-sized implants.

7. Implant Warranty

Consider the warranty offered on breast implants. Having a warranty can give you peace of mind and perhaps save you money long-term, but it can also increase long-term costs.

8. Additional Procedures

If you opt for additional procedures like a breast lift or nipple revision alongside augmentation, expect higher costs as well.

9. Preoperative Tests

Certain medical tests and screenings may be necessary before surgery. These can add to the overall cost of breast augmentation and usually must be paid for out-of-pocket as a separate expense.

10. Surgical Facility

The quality and accreditation level of your chosen surgical facility will also contribute to pricing. State-of-the-art facilities with excellent safety records may come with a higher price tag.

11. Operating Room Fees

The use of the operating room and associated equipment and supplies is another essential cost factor in breast augmentation.

12. Anesthesia Fees

The type of anesthesia used during your procedure influences costs too. General anesthesia is typically more expensive than local anesthesia.

13. Surgical Technique

Different surgical techniques, such as transaxillary vs periareolar incisions, may impact pricing. Likewise, if you want an augmentation but don’t want implants, the standard fat transfer breast augmentation price point is also going to be different than the traditional implant price point.

14. Postoperative Care

Follow-up appointments and aftercare services are essential for a successful recovery. Just keep in mind they can contribute to the total cost as well.

15. Compression Garments

Post surgery garments or bras may be required after your procedure. The cost of these will naturally vary based on what type of compression and support you require. Regardless, this expense will also add to the overall cost of your boob job.

16. Medications

Prescription medications for pain management and recovery are part of the cost of breast augmentation.

17. Revision Surgery

In rare cases, breast revision surgeries may be needed to achieve your desired results. This can incur additional expenses.

Will Health Insurance Pay for Cosmetic Surgeries?

Average Price of Breast Augmentation

Health insurance generally does not cover cosmetic surgeries because they are elective procedures focused on improving appearance rather than addressing medical conditions. Cosmetic surgeries like breast augmentation or rhinoplasty are typically considered out-of-pocket expenses.

There are exceptions, however.

Health insurance may cover a cosmetic procedure if it is deemed medically necessary (such as breast reduction to alleviate back pain). Reconstructive surgery, aimed at restoring appearance after injury or due to congenital conditions, is always more likely to be covered.

Will Insurance Pay for Breast Augmentation Surgery?

Insurance coverage for breast augmentation surgery is uncommon. This is because the procedure is mainly considered cosmetic and focused on enhancing appearance rather than addressing medical issues. In most cases, insurance does not cover elective cosmetic surgeries.

Exceptions include situations where breast augmentation is deemed medically necessary, such as for breast reconstruction after a mastectomy or to correct a congenital deformity. Reconstructive surgery, aimed at restoring appearance after injury or illness, is more likely to be covered.

Ultimately, patients should be prepared for out-of-pocket expenses for breast augmentation, including surgeon fees, anesthesia expenses, facility costs, and pre/postoperative care costs. Some insurance plans offer cosmetic surgery riders (coverage amendments), but they come with limitations and requirements. Careful review of insurance plans and discussions with your healthcare provider are essential to understand potential coverage for breast augmentation.

Set Up a Consultation to Learn More

Initial consultation appointments are certainly essential when trying to determine the average price for breast augmentation. But they’re for more than just that.

At your consultation with board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Smita Ramanadham, you will have a chance to parse out the details of your future surgery, including going over breast implants before and after photos, discussing breast implant placement, and reviewing your medical history. Dr. Ramanadham is extremely thorough and detail-oriented in her approach to all surgeries.

Put yourself in great hands and work with Dr. Ramanadham and her professional team for your breast enhancement procedure. We look forward to hearing from you!


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