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What Do Brow Lift Scars Look Like?

Where a patient has brow lift scars depends on what type of brow lift surgery they undergo. There are three different types of brow lift surgery, and each one is accompanied by a different incision pattern. In this post, we’ll examine what type of brow lift may be best for you and what resulting...

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What Is a Brow Lift?

The brow lift. You’ve likely heard this term before when searching for solutions to deep forehead lines or a sagging brow line. But what is a brow lift really? In this article, we’ll discuss the ins and outs of brow lift surgery, including who makes a good candidate for a brow lift procedure,...

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How to Prepare for Brow Lift Recovery

Brow lift recovery looks different for every patient. Ultimately, the experience depends on the type of brow lift, the extent of repairs needed, the patient’s age and overall health, as well as other factors. In this article, we’ll go over what to expect from your brow lift recovery experience...

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What to Expect During Rhinoplasty Revision Recovery

Preparing for rhinoplasty revision recovery? Let’s take a look at what you can expect in terms of discomfort, physical symptoms, and average length of recovery time. Next, we’ll offer up our favorite tips for easing this healing experience and ensuring an excellent outcome for your rhinoplasty...

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How to Address the 6 Most Common Aging Eye Issues

Your eyes are one of the first things people see when they talk to you. Depending on the way your eyes look through the aging process, this can be a good or bad thing! Many people often first notice signs of aging in their eyes in their 40s and are concerned that loose skin, lines, wrinkles, and...

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How to Get Rid of Gynecomastia: 3 Options

Gynecomastia is the presence of excess breast tissue in males. The condition can lead to embarrassment, self-consciousness, and even discomfort and pain. Many men have difficulty finding clothes they feel comfortable in, and it can be a challenge for romantic relationships as well. Fortunately, men...

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3 Ways to Avoid Botched Gynecomastia Surgery

Gynecomastia surgery removes glandular breast tissue and excess fat and skin from the male chest. For many men, male breast reduction can be life-changing — offering a new-found confidence, a greater sense of masculinity, and freedom from chronic soreness and discomfort. However, in rare cases, patients...

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Microneedling Benefits and Risks

If you have skin concerns and you want a non-surgical procedure to fight aging skin, you might consider microneedling. Microneedling is a cosmetic procedure that punctures the skin with tiny needles. Because of the small punctures, your skin boosts collagen and elastin production. As a result, the...

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Tips for Finding the Best Revision Rhinoplasty Surgeon

Looking for the best revision rhinoplasty surgeon in the New Jersey area? If you require revision rhinoplasty, it’s more important than ever to choose a well-qualified and experienced plastic surgeon you can trust. This surgery can not only be more challenging than primary rhinoplasty, but...

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Gynecomastia Surgery Before and After Photos: What to Look For

As you search gynecomastia surgery before and after photos to get a better idea of what you can expect from your own surgery, remember these tips: Top Tips for Reviewing Before and After Gynecomastia Surgery Pictures 1. Before anything, be sure the plastic surgeon is board certified. The truth is...

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