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Different Types of Liposuction Available

Different types of liposuction

Do you find yourself frustrated by stubborn pockets of unwanted fat on your body that seem resistant to the efforts of diet and exercise? If so, you may have come across information about liposuction.

Liposuction is a procedure designed to remove localized deposits of fat that are unresponsive to healthy eating and regular physical activity. It is important to note that liposuction is not intended for substantial weight loss but rather to enhance your body shape and boost your self-confidence, particularly if you are close to your desired weight.

This guide aims to provide an overview of the fundamental aspects of liposuction, including its various types and other relevant information.

Why Do People Get Liposuction?

Many of us don’t like fat that is hard to get rid of, so liposuction is one of the most popular plastic surgeries around. Liposuction is popular for several reasons:

  • It’s moderately invasive and quickly eliminates stubborn fat around the abdomen, love handles, calves, hips, arms, buttocks, and thighs.
  • Several sites can be liposuction in a single procedure.
  • The patient feels like certain parts of their body are out of proportion with the rest.
  • Eliminates extra fat and sagging skin from significant weight loss, aging, and pregnancy (a tummy tuck surgery should be performed for severe loose skin).
  • Enhances skin laxity.
  • It’s safe and effective for most patients.
  • Results last for years and can be permanent.

Types of liposuction proceduresTypes of Liposuction Available

There are several types of liposuction to consider for fat removal. Your plastic surgeon will meet with you to discuss which may be the best choice for you. Remember that liposuction isn’t a replacement for a healthy diet and physical activity. If you have a lot of weight to lose, you’ll need to reach your target weight before having liposuction.


Suction assisted liposuction is the oldest type of liposuction surgery. It is also called “traditional liposuction”. Your surgeon makes small incisions over the area unwanted body fat is to be sucked out. Then they insert a small cannula (thin tube) for the actual fat removal.

This type of liposuction is often used on the legs, thighs, rear, abdomen, and back to remove stubborn body fat. It’s not as useful for smaller areas, such as below the chin. Small areas require a more precise type of liposuction.

This method is still popular because it’s inexpensive. But you can have more bleeding and bruising than other types of liposuction surgery. Also, it’s more challenging to control the amount of fat taken out. So, you could have more lumpiness and dimpling with this method. Some patients may need another liposuction procedure to get the best results.


Tumescent liposuction is the most common types of liposuction used today. It’s popular because it’s safe, reliable, and proven. Your plastic surgeon places a solution of epinephrine, lidocaine, and saltwater into the fat tissue you want to to remove fat. This solution makes the fat cells stiffen and swell. It also reduces pain and bleeding after the procedure is over.

Next, your surgeon makes tiny incisions in the skin and inserts a cannula to take out the solution and water. Most patients experience limited bruising and swelling with this popular method.


Laser assisted liposuction (also called laser liposuction) is an advanced form of liposuction surgery that features a laser to kill the fat cells for convenient removal. With this liposuction procedure, your plastic surgeon puts a tiny laser fiber through the incisions. Then, a laser liquefies the fat tissue, and it’s taken out with a small cannula.


Ultrasound assisted liposuction, a newer type of liposuction procedure, features a rod that emits ultrasonic waves. Your surgeon inserts this rod under the skin in the fatty area. The ultrasonic waves damage the fat cells and make it easier to remove them. However, they do not damage surrounding blood vessels and tissue.

A related surgical procedure is called VASER that reduces the chances of skin damage. It may also offer better skin contouring than regular UAL.

What You Can Expect

If you think you’re ready for liposuction, it’s essential to understand the entire process:

  • Consultation: Your plastic surgeon will go over your liposuction goals during the first consultation. He’ll ask why you want this procedure, the areas you want it, and make sure your expectations are realistic. He’ll also inquire about medications you take and past medical treatments and surgeries.
  • Procedure: The liposuction procedure depends on the type your surgeon uses. Your plastic surgeon will use one of the standard methods we highlighted earlier. Generally, the surgeon will give you a general anesthetic, make small incisions in the fatty target areas, and suck them out with a cannula or similar instrument.
  • Aftermath: After liposuction, your plastic surgeon will give you compression garments to lower swelling and ensure your skin adheres to your new form.
  • Recovery: Most patients can return to their jobs in a few days. You may experience swelling for a few weeks, and final results can take as long as six months to appear.

Liposuction Safety

Plastic surgeons have done liposuction for decades, and the risks are minor. It’s a minimally invasive procedure, so most people don’t have serious complications. Rare problems happen that require medical treatment. But they don’t often occur if you use a board-certified plastic surgeon.

Remember that a skilled and experienced, board-certified plastic surgeon rarely has serious problems during liposuction procedures. Most people only have minor bruising, swelling, and pain. These issues dissipate within a few weeks, and after recovery time, most patients enjoy the results and benefits.

Question and Answers about Different types of liposuction

What is the most effective type of liposuction?

Tumescent liposuction is the leading and widely preferred method of liposuction, not only in the United States but also globally. It holds the distinction of being the most commonly performed cosmetic procedure.

This advanced technique surpasses traditional liposuction in terms of effectiveness, safety, and discomfort experienced during the procedure. Moreover, tumescent liposuction offers the additional benefit of a faster recovery period, allowing patients to resume their normal activities sooner.

Which type of Lipo removes the most fat?

One notable benefit of Ultrasonic-Assisted Liposuction (UAL) is its ability to effectively target and remove stubborn, resilient fat deposits that may necessitate multiple sessions with other techniques. Furthermore, UAL allows for a greater volume of fat extraction since the targeted fat is transformed into a liquid state before being removed. This liquid form facilitates the process and enables a more efficient removal of fat during the procedure.

What is power assisted liposuction?

Power-assisted liposuction employs a specialized cannula designed to vibrate at a rapid pace, effectively breaking down the fat tissue. The cannula, which is a slender metal tube utilized to suction out fat in any liposuction procedure, undergoes rapid vibrations in this technique.

Request a Liposuction Consultation

Do you dream about improving your appearance with a New Jersey liposuction procedure? Dr. Smita R. Ramanadham can help you improve your shape and self-image with this popular, cosmetic surgery procedure.

In your consultation, Dr. Ramanadham will review the plastic surgery options with you, as well as your goals, and more to find out if you’re a good candidate for liposuction.


About Liposuction. (n.d.). Accessed at

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